About Us

Welcome To Transition Green

It’s all about you, yes, everyone in the local community can learn what it means exactly to make a transition to “Green.” There are varying degrees from light green to mid-green to super green, you decide what will work best for you. The bottom line is that you don’t have to believe in Global Warming to be a part of this club. If you care about having cleaner air, water, litter regulations that work, energy efficiency and recycling that’s a good start. The dialog begins with you!

What we do

Please join Transition To Green Community Club once every other month (A Saturday from 2:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.) to learn in an informal, interactive setting what Green means in relation to specific topics. Each local TToG meeting has an attendance limit between 20 – 35 people. Meetings are a place where Merchants, Teachers, Specialized Experts, City Directors, Community Activists and Politicians will offer their time to discuss what going green means in relation to their specific field, where that field is in the process and where it sees itself in 5 years. How does an individual make a difference?

Mission Statement

The "Transition To Green" Community Club's mission is to educate and help people to become more aware of all the green alternatives that exist in the marketplace today. To effect real change, we need to effect the supply and demand in favor of eco-friendly products. Our dollar votes going towards those choices will create a demand for manufacturers to switch out their practices and come on board faster. Individual transitions to green can happen over a period of weeks, while businesses and corporations tend to lag behind for years. So the sooner we make the changes in our lives, the sooner the rest of our economy will follow.

Contact Info







10153 1/2 Riverside Dr. #266

Toluca Lake, Ca. 91602